In celebration of its 5th Anniversary, the box office hit Fantastic Fungi, directed by Louie Schwartzberg, is returning to theaters with an enhanced experience in Fantastic Fungi Remastered, which offers audiences an unparalleled viewing experience with enhanced visuals and sound, allowing viewers to immerse themselves fully in the breathtaking beauty and awe-inspiring wonder of the...Read More
June 17, July 15, & July 29, 2024 Pre-Movie Activities: 6:00pm / Movie Begins: 7:15pm at Les Paul Performance Center at Cutler Park 321 Wisconsin Avenue Waukesha WI Get out this summer for our family-friendly film series! Monday Night Movies in the Park starts at 6:00pm with pre-movie activities that relate to the movie being...Read More
It’s Gene Wilder Fest at the Oriental Theatre! A poor but hopeful boy seeks one of the five coveted golden tickets that will send him on a tour of Willy Wonka’s mysterious chocolate factory. Please note: Dates and times are subject to change, and occasionally events may be cancelled. Please check the event website to...Read More
In celebration of its 5th Anniversary, the box office hit Fantastic Fungi, directed by Louie Schwartzberg, is returning to theaters with an enhanced experience in Fantastic Fungi Remastered, which offers audiences an unparalleled viewing experience with enhanced visuals and sound, allowing viewers to immerse themselves fully in the breathtaking beauty and awe-inspiring wonder of the...Read More
Being connected to nature, what does it mean? Father knows and father shows. The director’s father is 84. We follow in his footsteps into the mountain home. Into nature’s smallest life and out to grand panoramas, where he grew up. Please note: Dates and times are subject to change, and occasionally events may be cancelled....Read More
Join us for Falls Family Movie Night in Menomonee Falls! May 17th June 14th July 12th With live music, a beer garden, and a variety of food trucks, these FREE events offer a complete experience of family togetherness. Enjoy music, food, and drinks starting 2 hours before dusk, followed by snuggles and your...Read More