25 Simple Daily Activities for a 5 Month Old (2024)

Hey there, parents!

Are you wondering how to fill your 5-month-old baby’s day with engaging and enriching activities?

You’re in the right place. As a mom of three and a seasoned camp counselor and teacher for over 20 years, I’ve navigated the ups and downs of parenting, from newborn babies to big kids.

Five months is a pivotal time for your baby. They’re exploring the world in different ways and mastering key skills like hand-eye coordination and sensory play.

Our list of 25 great activities will be your go-to guide, mixing fun and developmental milestones.

Let’s dive in!

Tummy Time: A Developmental Must-Have

Tummy time is more than just a cute phrase; it’s a crucial activity for your 5-month-old. Recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, this simple activity is a great way to boost your baby’s development.

It helps with everything from building core strength and gross motor skills to enhancing their physical development. And around the five-month mark, it’s particularly beneficial because many babies are in the midst of a growth spurt and becoming more active.

Safety is always paramount, so make sure to do tummy time in a secure area, free of small objects or hazards. Having a designated space like a soft, flat mat works well. Always supervise this activity to ensure your baby’s head is lifted correctly and they are comfortable.

Incorporating tummy time into your baby’s daily routine isn’t just a great idea; it’s essential for their development. Think of it as floor play that serves a developmental purpose while keeping your active baby engaged.

Singing Lullabies

Singing lullabies to your 5-month-old is so much more than just a way to lull them to sleep. This time-tested activity is a fun way to engage your baby’s attention while providing valuable cognitive and language skills development.

At five months of age, your baby is starting to understand different sounds, making it a great time to introduce them to the world of music.

The beauty of this activity is in its simplicity. You don’t need to be a vocal prodigy; your baby loves your voice just the way it is! Plus, lullabies often involve varying facial expressions and hand gestures, adding an extra layer of interaction and learning.

Singing also sets the stage for a calming daily routine, especially useful around sleep periods and nighttime sleep, which we know can be erratic at this stage.

Peekaboo: A Game of Surprises

Peekaboo is a time-honored favorite, and it’s easy to see why. This simple, fun game is an excellent way to engage your 5-month-old.

At this stage, your little one is beginning to understand object permanence, making Peekaboo a cognitive delight. It’s a good idea to incorporate this into your daily schedules, as it provides interaction and helps build important skills like visual perception.

Baby Sit-Ups: Strengthen that Core

While full sit-ups are a no-go for babies, gentle “baby sit-ups” can help build neck and back strength. Hold your baby’s hands and gently pull them to a sitting position, and then lay them back down.

This activity not only helps with physical development but also gives you some precious face-to-face time with your little one. Always ensure you’re supporting your baby adequately to keep this activity safe and fun.

Story Time: A Journey Through Words

By five months, babies are more attentive and interested in the world around them. Storytime isn’t just for older kids; it’s one of the best activities you can start in the first year to promote language skills.

Whether it’s during the day or as part of their bedtime routine, reading is a great way to enrich your child’s development at their own pace. Plus, the pictures and different colors in the books provide sensory stimulation, making it a complete learning experience.

Mirror Play: Reflections and Safety

Mirror play is fascinating for babies. It not only captures their attention but also helps them understand reflections and promotes cognitive skills. At this age, your baby is learning to recognize their own face and expressions.

Safety is key, so ensure you’re using a non-breakable, baby-safe mirror for these activities. It’s a simple yet effective way to engage your 5-month-old’s curiosity and is perfectly suited for their stage of development.

Baby Massage: A Touch of Love

Baby massages are a thing, and they are a fantastic way to spend some quality time with your little one while reaping a whole host of benefits.

First off, baby massages are a wonderful way to enhance physical development. The gentle, circular motions can stimulate muscle and brain development, while the skin contact enhances your baby’s sense of touch.

Before you turn your living room into a baby spa, make sure the atmosphere is calm and comfortable. Dim the lights, play some soft music, and ensure the room temperature is warm but not hot. Keep the essentials close by: baby-safe oil, a soft towel, and of course, your baby.

Gently lay your baby on a flat surface, preferably on a soft towel. Begin the massage using a baby-safe oil to reduce friction. Start with the legs, making your way up to the torso, arms, and finally, the head. Use soft, circular motions, and avoid putting pressure on sensitive areas like the spine or the neck.

Remember, the key word is “gentle.” Your touch should be light but firm, and always watch your baby’s reactions. If they seem uncomfortable or start crying, it might be best to stop and try another activity.

While baby massages are generally safe and beneficial, if your baby has a medical condition or you’re unsure about anything, a quick chat with your pediatrician for some medical advice is always a good idea.

Beyond the physical development, baby massages can aid in emotional development by making your baby feel secure and loved. It’s also an incredible way for parents to understand their baby’s body language and different cries, building a deeper emotional bond.

Sensory Bottles: A Safely Sealed World of Discovery

Sensory bottles are not just pretty to look at; they’re a treasure trove of developmental riches. Inside each bottle, which could be filled with a concoction of water, glitter, and small items like pom poms or beads, lies an opportunity for your 5-month-old to engage multiple senses.

From the visual spectacle of floating objects to the gentle sounds they make when shaken, sensory bottles are great for sensory play. What’s even better is that they can assist in honing fine motor skills as your baby practices the art of holding and shaking.

For the safety of your little explorer, make sure the bottle is securely sealed. Always supervise your baby during sensory activities to ensure a safe and enriching experience.

Soft Toy Sorting: Early Lessons in Diversity and Sensory Stimulation

Grab their favorite stuffed animal! By the time your baby reaches the 5-month mark, they may be able to sit with support, opening the door to a host of new activities, including soft toy sorting. Offer them a basket or a playmat filled with stuffed animals and soft toys that come in different textures and colors.

Not only does this activity engage their sensory skills, but it also provides an early lesson in diversity and categorization. It’s a simple yet highly effective way to engage your baby’s developing cognitive and sensory skills.

And the best part? It gives their little hands something safe and soft to grab, explore, and even snuggle with.

Baby Yoga: A Stretch in the Right Direction

Baby yoga is a fun and enriching activity that offers numerous benefits for 5-month-old babies. With simple poses and stretches, it’s a unique way to help build your baby’s core strength and physical skills. I

t’s also a great way to engage in active play while strengthening your bond with your little one. Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult medical advice before introducing new physical activities, and always keep your movements gentle to suit your baby’s own pace and level of development.

Musical Playtime: Make Noise, Have Fun

Babies love sounds, which is why a little bit of musical playtime can be so much fun for them. Introduce various musical instruments like shakers, tambourines, or even just pots and pans. The different sounds captivate your baby’s attention, aiding in the development of auditory and sensory skills.

Plus, the act of holding and shaking an instrument can help improve fine motor skills. Always supervise closely to ensure safety, especially with smaller instruments that could be a choking hazard.

Water Play: A Splash of Sensory Joy

Water play is an exciting sensory activity for your 5-month-old, especially as they become more active. Fill a shallow basin with a little bit of water and let them splash around under your close supervision.

Not only is this a lot of fun, but it also allows your baby to explore different textures and temperatures, enhancing their sensory skills.

Just ensure the water is at a safe, lukewarm temperature and that your baby is never left unattended to ensure maximum safety.

Puppet Play: Bring Stories to Life

Puppet play can be a captivating way to catch your baby’s attention. Use stuffed animals or sock puppets to act out simple stories or songs.

The moving facial expressions and different characters can help stimulate your baby’s brain and develop their visual perception. It’s also a creative way to introduce new words and sounds, aiding in language development.

Outdoor Time: A Breath of Fresh Air

By the time your baby is 5 months old, a little bit of outdoor time can do wonders. Whether it’s a quick stroll around the block or a day out in the park, the change in scenery can be stimulating.

Fresh air and natural light are beneficial, and it’s also a good way to introduce your baby to different colors and textures in nature. Just remember to keep them shaded from direct sunlight and hydrated if it’s warm out.

Rolling a Ball: A Game of Catch, Sort Of

Rolling a soft ball to and fro is more than just play; it’s an early lesson in hand-eye coordination. Your 5-month-old will watch the ball intensely, try to grasp it, and maybe even push it back. Always use a soft ball that is easy to wash.

Baby Obstacle Course: Navigating Fun

Create a simple obstacle course using pillows, soft toys, and tissue paper for your baby to explore while in a sitting position. This is an excellent developmental activity that encourages your baby to move and reach out. It’s not only much fun but also helps with improving their motor skills and spatial awareness.

Always make sure that the materials are soft and safe, without any small parts that could be a choking hazard.

Food Exploration: A Taste of Variety

Now that many 5-month-olds are beginning to explore solid foods, you can make mealtime a fun activity. Use this as an opportunity to introduce different textures and flavors, always following your pediatrician’s guidelines.

It’s a sensory experience that goes beyond just filling their tummies—it’s an exciting introduction to the world of taste. Plus, those hilarious facial expressions as they try new foods? Priceless.

Shaker Bottles: Sounds and Sights

A simple DIY activity, you can create shaker bottles using a transparent, well-sealed bottle filled with colorful beads, pom-poms, or even rice. Shake it up and watch your baby’s eyes light up. It’s a sensory activity that engages both their sight and hearing.

Make sure the cap is securely fastened, and always supervise your little one during play to ensure safety.

Flashlight Fun: Chase the Light

Grab a flashlight and dim the lights for a captivating game of “Chase the Light”. Point the flashlight at walls, floors, and ceilings, and watch as your baby follows the light with their eyes. This simple game is a good way to develop their visual tracking skills and focus.

Make sure not to shine the flashlight directly into your baby’s eyes, and keep the session brief to avoid overstimulation.

Scented Sachets: Smell the World

Introduce your baby to the sense of smell with scented sachets. Fill small fabric pouches with different scents like lavender, mint, or even a drop of vanilla extract.

Let your baby sniff them under your close supervision. It’s a unique way to stimulate their olfactory senses, and who knows, you might discover your baby’s favorite scent!

Bubble Play: Pop Goes the Fun

A simple thing like blowing bubbles can be incredibly entertaining for young children. The floating, shimmering bubbles will likely captivate your baby’s attention and may even coax a few giggles.

As they grow, they can start to reach for the bubbles, which is great for developing hand-eye coordination. Just make sure to use baby-safe, non-toxic bubble solution.

High-Five Game: Reach for the Sky

You can start teaching the concept of a high-five to your 5-month-old. Simply tap their open palm with your own hand while saying, “High five!” It’s a good way to work on their motor skills and can be a little bit of active play during wake windows. Plus, it’s just plain fun and a great bonding moment.

High Contrast Cards: See the Difference

High-contrast cards with simple patterns and bold colors are excellent for 5-month-olds. At this age, their vision is still developing, and high-contrast visuals are easier for them to focus on.

These cards not only captivate baby’s attention but also play a critical role in visual perception. Make sure to rotate the cards every so often to provide fresh stimulation.

Soft Toy Exploration: More than Just Cuddly

Soft toys are not just cute and cuddly; they offer different textures and shapes for your baby to explore.

Feeling a soft plush toy, grasping its ears or paws, and even gnawing on it a bit can be an exciting sensory experience for your baby. Always supervise this activity to ensure safety.

Toe & Finger Rhymes: Know Your Digits

Rhymes like “This Little Piggy” are not just fun activities but educational ones too. As you chant the rhyme and touch each toe or finger, your baby begins to associate words with body parts. It’s an early step in language skills and body awareness.

Sensory Bags: Squish and Learn

Fill ziplock bags with non-toxic paint or hair gel, and let your little one squish and explore. These sensory bags offer tactile stimulation and can be a fun way to introduce colors. Make sure to seal the bags securely to prevent any leaks.

Dance Time: Shake a Leg, Baby!

Holding your baby securely, dance around the room to some soothing tunes. This is not only much fun for both of you but also a great bonding experience. Dancing can be a joyful way to introduce your baby to different sounds and rhythms while also aiding in their physical development.

Feet Painting: Art from the Sole

Feet painting can be a creative and sensory-rich activity. Use non-toxic, edible paints for a safe and colorful playtime. This activity allows your little one to explore different textures and colors while enhancing their fine motor skills. Plus, you get a cute keepsake at the end!

Texture Crawls: Feel the World

Place various textured materials like a soft blanket, tissue paper, or a piece of faux fur on the floor for your baby to crawl over. This introduces them to different sensations, stimulating their tactile senses.

Always make sure to supervise this activity closely to ensure that the materials are not only clean but also securely placed so they can’t wrap around your little one. Keep the crawl space away from small objects or anything that could be a choking hazard. Safety first!

Hanging Toys: Reach for the Sky

Hanging toys from a play gym or even a homemade setup encourages your baby to reach, pull, and grasp. This can be a fantastic way to promote their physical skills and keep them engaged.

Colorful Scarves: A Symphony of Color

Take soft, colorful scarves and let your baby feel the different textures. This can be an extension of peekaboo or simply an exercise in grasping. The bright colors will captivate their attention, making it a multi-sensory activity.

So there you have it! 

Navigating the average day with a 5 month old doesn’t have to be complicated. 

The best ways to engage them involve simple things that can easily be incorporated into your baby’s daily schedule. From tummy time to dance sessions, these developmental activities are not just playtime activities; they’re play ideas that set the foundation for your little one’s growth. 

Hope you found this helpful! Got any more play ideas for 5-month-olds? Feel free to share!

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