In 1984, the Culver family embarked on a culinary adventure by opening a small burger and frozen custard shop in Sauk City, Wisconsin. Forty years later, Culver’s has burgeoned into a beloved franchise with nearly 1,000 locations across 26 states, cherished by millions of guests.
This July, Culver’s commemorates its 40th anniversary with a month-long celebration featuring a new birthday-themed Concrete Mixer, happy hour specials, and a sweepstakes offering daily prizes.
The festivities kick off with the “40 Years of Delicious” sweepstakes, where guests have the chance to win daily prizes throughout July and are entered to win a grand prize of $40,000.
Culver’s will also introduce the limited-time Berry Happy Birthday Concrete Mixer, a concoction of vanilla custard, blueberries, freeze-dried blueberries, whipped cream, and a birthday cake pop.
Adding to the celebratory atmosphere, Culver’s will offer promotions on three Thursdays in July:
- July 11: Free sprinkles with any Fresh Frozen Custard.
- July 18: A Birthday of Giving, where a portion of the day’s proceeds will be donated to local charities.
- July 25: Buy One Get One Free on all shakes and malts from 2-5 p.m.
For more information on the anniversary celebrations or to participate in the sweepstakes, visit Culver’s 40 Years of Delicious. Further details about Culver’s history and offerings can be found on their website.
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Calie Herbst, Editor-in-Chief of Milwaukee With Kids, has spent over a decade combining her experiences as a parent of three to create a hub for Milwaukee’s family adventures.
Her decade-long teaching career in Milwaukee Public Schools and academic background, including a Master’s in Teaching from Marquette University and dual B.A.s in Sociology and Spanish from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, fuel her passion for inclusive and engaging family content.
Calie is also a recognized voice in local media, contributing to WISN Channel 12 News, WTMJ Wisconsin Morning News, Fox 6’s Real Milwaukee, and B93.3.
Discover more about Calie’s journey and editorial approach on her About Page and Editorial Policy Page.