100 Fun Activities for Kids Who are “So Bored!” (2025)

Two kids read a book with a flashlight in a fort made with blankets.

Just on the other side of boredom is… magic. And chances are you found this article because your child just told you “I’m bored!”

Luckily, we have a list of more than 100 quick and easy activities for bored kids to do (video games and screen time not included!).

The best part? Most of them are free activities. And, if it’s raining where you are, you’re in luck. There are lots of fun indoor activities on this list of ideas.

So without further ado, here is an epic list of 100 fun activities for kids who are bored.

Want more ideas? These boredom busters are just one section of our epic list of Fun Things To Do At Home With Kids.

Build a Fort

kids in a fort

A great way to pass the time when you’re bored (and especially on cozy rainy days) is by building a fort. Grab all the blankets in the house, chairs and tables for stability, pillows for comfort, and get to building your custom fort!

Bake Cookies

Sugar cookies getting decorated with colorful frosting.

The best way to turn a boring afternoon into a delightful one is by baking cookies. You probably have all the ingredient in your pantry right now!

Do A Science Experiment

Two kids doing a paper towel rainbow science experiment in their kitchen.

We found 100 super quick, easy science experiments you can do at home, with materials you already have in the house. Each of them will take about 30 minutes to complete from start to finish! From making a DIY lava lamp, to ooey-gooey slime, to writing hidden messages, these will keep you entertained for hours.

Make and Sell Homemade Crafts

Friendship bracelet beads in many different colors, spelling the word "friendships"

If you love getting crafty, why not make something unique and even sell it? From friendship bracelets to DIY keychains, there are so many fun things kids can create. Get inspired with our guide on Homemade Crafts for Kids to Make and Sell.

Learn to Draw

kid drawing

Bring out your inner artist and draw a picture, or bust out the coloring books that have been getting dusty in the cabinet. Need a great idea for your drawing? Check out Art for Kids Hub on Youtube. The videos are free and seemingly infinite, and the encouraging teacher will get your creative juices flowing.

Play “Never Have I Ever” for Kids

A hand holding four fingers up during a game of Never Have I Ever.

Looking for a fun and silly way to pass the time? Try a round of Never Have I Ever! It’s a great way for kids to get to know each other better while sharing funny experiences. Check out our list of Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids.

Solve “What Am I?” Riddles

Love brain teasers? Challenge yourself with What Am I? riddles! These guessing games encourage critical thinking and creativity. Check out our list of fun What Am I? Riddles for Kids.

Play Hopscotch

Little kid playing hopscotch with a hopscotch court drawn from colorful sidewalk chalk.

A classic outdoor game that never gets old! All you need is some chalk and a little bit of sidewalk space. Draw your hopscotch board, grab a small stone, and get hopping. It’s a great way to burn off some energy and work on balance. Learn How to Play Hopscotch with our easy guide!

Play A Prank

An adult looking under a couch for their phone after someone played a prank on them.

If you love a good laugh, why not have some lighthearted fun with harmless pranks? From freezing cereal to changing the auto-correct on their phone, these silly tricks are all in good fun and sure to get some giggles. Check out our roundup of Quick & Easy Pranks for Kids to play on parents & family.

Play Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a classic boredom buster! Whether you’re playing with family or friends, it’s always fun to see what dares people will take and what truths they’ll share. Get started with our list of Truth or Dare Questions for Kids.

Tell Some Funny Jokes

If you need a good laugh, try out some silly and dumb jokes! They might be cheesy, but they always get a giggle. We’ve put together a hilarious list of funny Jokes for Kids that are sure to bring smiles.

Play “Most Likely To”

If you want a fun and laughter-filled group game, Most Likely To is a great option. Kids can make funny predictions about each other, like who is most likely to become a famous YouTuber or travel to space. Here’s our full list of Most Likely To Questions for Kids.

Learn a Magic Trick

Magician holding black magic hat and magic wand.

You’d be surprised how simple some of the most impressive magic tricks are. You’ll find fun ideas all over the internet. Perhaps you can learn enough magic trick to put on an entire show.

Time Yourself on a Hula Hoop

three kids with hula hoops

Did you know that the world record for hula hooping is over 100 hours? Hula hoops are so much fun, and a good workout for your core.

Make a Sidewalk Chalk Mural

side walk chalk rainbow

Do you have some sidewalk chalk waiting for you in your garage? Why not decorate the driveway or side chalk with an awesome design or mural? You can also write friendly messages for the people walking by. Here are 25 Fun Sidewalk Chalk Ideas you’ll love!

Play a Card Game

playing cards

One of the best ways to pass the time when you’re bored is to play a card game. Some childhood classics are war, Peanut Butter (also known as B.S.), Gin Rummy, and Speed. Google around to find your favorite! If you don’t have a partner, engage in some independent play with the game Solitaire.

Play A Game on FaceTime

Family FaceTiming with relatives.

If you’re bored and missing your friends or family, virtual games can be a great solution! From classic favorites like Charades to creative options like Virtual Hide & Seek, these FaceTime games will keep you engaged and entertained.

Break out the Board Games

monopoly board

From the classic Monopoly and Trivial Pursuit, to newer favorites like Blank Slate and Apples to Apples, board games have entertained the entire family throughout the decades. Break open the game cabinet, gather around the dining room table, and get started!

Create an obstacle course

child jumping through obstacle course

Anything around the house can be used to create an obstacle course, including pillows, cones, blankets, hula hoops, and wooden blocks. It’s a great activity to get some energy out and test your ninja skills.

Try Indigo Tie Dye

Spiral tie dye pattern with indigo tie dye.

Indigo tie-dye is a beautiful and calming craft that creates deep blue patterns on fabric. This ancient dyeing method involves folding, twisting, or tying fabric, then dipping it into a natural indigo dye bath. The results are always unique! Check out our favorite Indigo Tie Dye Patterns and Techniques to get inspired.

Put on a Sock Puppet Show

Sock puppet show

Sock puppets are so easy to make! Find some clean, long socks around the house. Slide your hand through and grab the end of the sock to form the puppet’s mouth. From here, you can start to envision what your puppet can look like. Use whatever crafts you have on hand to create the sock puppet’s face, hair and clothes.

Have a Dance Party

Family dancing casually together in the living room.

Dancing should be a part of every day! Put on a playlist of your favorite songs and boogie down. Maybe you can even choreograph your own dance. Here are the best Kids Dance Songs to get your party started!

Play Hide and Seek

One of the most fun things to do when you’re bored is play hide and seek. There’s nothing quite like the thrill of hiding from someone and trying not to be found!

Do an At-Home Community Service Project

painted rock that says "you rock!"

Paint rocks to brighten up your neighborhood, create art for seniors, make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for homeless peoeple, and more. Here are 10 at-home community service projects for kids.

Do a Jigsaw Puzzle

two people doing a jigsaw puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles can be the perfect challenge when you’re feeling bored. There are easy puzzles for younger kids, and difficult ones for older children. If you don’t have any around the house, and you don’t want to spend full price, you can often find inexpensive puzzles at places like Good Will.

Make Paper Airplanes

Hand holding a paper airplane

Make some paper airplanes and see how well you can get it to fly. There are all kind of different designs online. You could even use a bucket to play paper airplane cornhole. Try to see if you can get the airplane to land in the bucket.

Create a Time Capsule

Time capsules are a creative way to send a message to your future self. Gather up objects that are symbolic of today’s world (food packaging, magazines, the ribbon you won for swimming, etc.). Some up with some of your own ideas to make it unique to you. Then hide it somewhere and don’t open it for at least ten years!

Do a Scavenger Hunt

piece of paper with a scavenger hunt map

A scavenger or treasure hunt can be the perfect antidote to a boring day. There are several pre-made scavenger hunts online or you can create your own list of things to find.

Take a Bike Ride

three people riding a bike

Biking is one of the best ways to be physically active. Put on your helmet and be sure to review bike safety rules before you head out. (Check out our roundup of the best first bikes for kids to make the most of your bike journey together.)

Go on a Nature Walk

family on a nature walk

Head to your local or state park and get out in the fresh air! There are so many benefits of being outside in nature. You’re almost guaranteed to be in a good mood when you return.

Make Homemade Ice Cream

Did you know you can make ice cream at home with simple ingredients that you probably have around the house? Here’s a handy link for making ice Cream in a Bag.

Take a Walk Around the Neighborhood

There’s no better way to get to know your neighbors than to take a stroll around the neighborhood. It’s always fun to see who’s outside and have a chat with them. If you have a dog, then taking a walk with them will give them good exercise!

Read a Book

child reading a book about mars

Reading can transport us to totally new worlds, and it’s one of the best things to do when you’re bored. The good news is you don’t even have to spend money on new books. Just head to your local library and check out a few that look good to you. Here’s a list of must-read classic children’s books to get your started.

Build a Card House.

card house

A card house can take a lot of time to perfect and build, but it’s a satisfying feeling when you get the cards to balance just right. 

Play Hide & Seek

This classic game is always a hit. You can play it indoors or outdoors. 

Build a Block or Magna-tile Structure.

You probably have a set of blocks, magna-tiles, and/or legos lying around somewhere in your house. Why not bust them out and create an epic new world in the living room?

Choreograph a Dance.

No tik-tok required! Just put on your favorite song and plan a dance.

Listen to a Podcast.

There are so many interesting podcasts for kids out there. Pop in your headphones and listen while you take a walk or do some chores.

Look Through Old Photo Albums.

Do your parents have old photo albums lying around the house or stored away in the basement? You might be surprised how entertaining it is to look through them. You won’t believe how young your parents used to be!

Blow Bubbles.

child blowing bubbles

Blowing bubbles and chasing them around on a warm summer day is pure childhood bliss! For some extra fun, put a drop of food coloring in them, and watch the bubbles turn colors! Then blow them onto some paper to create unique designs. 

Do Yoga

Yoga is a way to gently stretch and strengthen your body. Cosmic Kids is a great place to start if you’ve never done yoga before. 

Draw on the Windows

That’s right! If you have dry erase markers, you can actually draw a picture on the windows. The dry erase marker will wipe right off, so there’s no mess for you.

Paint With Mud

Grab some containers you don’t care much about, some plain paper, and a handful of old paintbrushes. Outside, scoop a healthy amount of dirt into each container, and then add a small amount of water and good amount of food coloring. If you don’t have food coloring, this will be just as fun with plain old mud. Some recipes call for dish soap to help prevent stains in clothes, but it’s also optional. You’re ready to mud paint!

Make Mud Pie

Grab some old pots and pans and head outside to make mud pie! Fill the tins with mud and then decorate them with rocks, leaves, and flower petals. You may not be able to eat them, but they sure are fun to look at!

Magic Paper Towel Tree

It’s magic! Fold one piece of paper towel in half so that it looks like a book. On the inside of the book, draw a tree trunk and branches, with colorful leaves and fruit. You can add sunshine, blue sky, and anything you fancy! Now, fold your paper towel book so that you can’t see your drawing anymore. Drop it into a bowl of water, and watch how your colorful drawing magically appears! What other spring sketches can you draw?

Cloud Meditation

clouds in the sky

Remember when you were a child, how mesmerizing clouds could be? You could stare at them for a long time, finding new shapes and animals, watching them form and dissipate. On a mild day, lie down somewhere with a good view of the clouds. Are they fluffy or thin? Are they moving? What color are they? What shapes do they make?

Play Keep It Up

This versatile game used to be one of my favorite things to do when I was bored as a child. Keep it up can be played with a bouncy ball or a balloon. You can play it alone or with multiple friends. You simple try to keep the ball or balloon in the air. See how many touches you can keep it up for! If you are playing with a buddy, you can’t touch it twice in a row.

Trace Your Shadows

On a sunny day, position different objects (or people!) so that you can clearly see their shadow. Then trace away!

Paint With Water

Did you know you don’t actually need paint to, well, paint? All you need is a bucket of water and some paint brushes. Then you can’t paint any outdoor surface your heart desires.

Tie-Dye Your Clothes

Colorful tie dye heart pattern.

Making tie-dye shirts is one of the best ways to brighten up a boring afternoon! Once you’ve created your masterpiece, here’s how to wash your tie-dye shirt for the first time.

We hope you loved this list of simple ideas and creative activities to help you pass the time when you’re bored. 

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25 Simple Spring Activities Your Kids Will Love

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