When: 08/13/2024 4:30 pm
Where: 620 S 76th St Milwaukee (located BEHIND the office building)
Robyn’s Nest is a program of Children’s Hospital (CHW) that supplies new and gently used clothing, hygiene products, infant items, toys, books and other household goods free to the families within the foster care system as well as those identified to have unmet needs through CHW.
On Tuesday, August 13th from 4:30-5:30 pm SBK families will be lending a little hand at Robyn’s Nest to sort donations for foster families.
What to expect:
There are two ways to get involved in this project:
1) Option 1: We have room for several families to join us at Robyn’s Nest to lend a hand by sorting items so kids & foster families can easily shop (at no cost!) for the supplies they need. (Members can select this option)
2) Option 2: Drop off hygiene products (toothpaste, deodorant, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and baby wipes) by Monday, August 12th at our Project Leader’s home in Elm Grove. Address will be provided prior to for those that register for this option. (Everyone can select this option)
Capacity & Age Recommendations:
All ages are welcome at this project, but please note there are no restrooms readily available on site. We expect to have room for approximately 4-5 families at the on site project. Initial registration will be for members only, but we are happy to open registration to guests if we have additional space one week prior to the project date.
A volunteer application is required to be completed for each individual attending. We will e-mail a copy to all registrants a few days prior to this project. Please bring the completed application with you to the project. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
This project is open to members* only, but we will be happy to open it up to guests if space allows after the first week of registrations. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot.
A big thanks to you for lending a little hand!
Please note: Dates and times are subject to change, and occasionally events may be cancelled. Please check the event website to confirm the latest details: (It’s Time To Lend A Helping Hand MKE!)