Sibshops provide siblings of children with special/support needs with peer support and information in a supportive and fun setting!
Sibshops may be “therapeutic” for kids to attend, but they are not therapy. The Sibshop model takes a wellness perspective. They’re a celebration of the many lifelong contributions made by brothers and sisters of people with special/support/medical needs.
For the adults who run them, Sibshops are evidence of their loving support for the family member who will have the longest-lasting relationship with a person who has a special/support/medial need.
Sibshops are fun and a safe space where they will:
- Meet other sibs (usually for the first time)
- Have fun and laugh
- Talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with support needs with others who “get it”
- Play some great games
- Explore how other siblings handle sticky situations sometimes faced by sibs
- Learn about the services their brothers and sister receive
SibShops are for siblings between the ages of 8-13 years old!