Edvest Giftable 529 Accounts

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This year, Wisconsin families can skip the stress of finding the latest “must-have” toys and expensive tech this year and celebrate by opening or gifting to an Edvest 529 account.

Individuals who open a new Edvest 529 account between Monday, November 20, and Friday, December 8, 2023, will be eligible for a $50 or $100 bonus incentive.

  • For a $50 bonus – open an account during the promotion with an initial deposit of $500 or more and set up recurring contributions totaling $50 or more per month until June 30, 2024.
  • For a $100 bonus – open an account during the promotion with an initial deposit of $1,000 or more and set up recurring contributions totaling $50 or more per month until June 30, 2024.

Edvest 529 is Wisconsin’s College Savings Program that offers a flexible way to save for higher education and provides triple tax advantages.

It takes just $25 and 15 minutes to open an Edvest 529 account, and funds saved can be used at colleges, technical schools and graduate schools nationwide and many abroad. In addition to tuition, funds may be used for certain room and board expenses, books, supplies or other qualified expenses.


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